Friday, January 18, 2008

i heart laguna

i heart laguna
Originally uploaded by tuanyes84

This is where I used to live before I moved to Florida. You see, i love Florida, really, I do. In Florida I can always find a club or a bar that seems to promise a good time loyally and faithfully. However there is a certain emotion I miss from Laguna. I guess it is the feeling of "home" a feeling of belonging or a place where you feel like you are actually understood and the surroundings embrace you. I just can't quite put my finger on it.

The best day of my entire life is in Orange County. Please don't be misled by the media. The Orange County I grew up in wasn't pulled tightly by scalpels and trendy "fashionistas". No, the Orange County that nurtured me has become "the OC" and a tragedy it is, really. Once you take away the over-priced inflated homes and the people who only seek to climb higher up on the social ladder to feel like their lives are finally worth something you have a beautiful place to live. Interesting topography, limitless heart-warming, breath-taking sunsets are the real things that Orange County is known for.

So what has that left me with? Orange County has fizzled away and now I feel like when i come home i'm not really coming "home", but there are some spots, some sweet escapes, that I can run to. A place where I can relive all the things that I knew.

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