Monday, May 24, 2010

READ THIS: to remember who you really are!!

are you feeling lost?
having trouble with who you really are?
getting caught up in the material things in life?
find yourself climbing the social ladder to keep up with the jones'?

READ THIS!!! because this is who you really are...youve ALWAYS been this way, you just lost track because its easy to get enamored with the expectations of the world.

simple values
board games
nights with the family (sitting on the bed just watching tv)
a honda civic (because its simple, fun, and easy to toss around)
connecting with people
being active outdoors
laughing, living, loving
connecting with people
eating - YUM!
experiencing new cultures (because people are beautiful)
you neices (soon) and nephews

so its okay if you are feeling a little lost, dont get caught up in all the vain and material things...because thats not whats important to you. never forget the person that you were when you were with mike...that real you. Thats why you love mike, because he brings out the real its time to bring out the real you to the whole world...they'll love it, they always have. And dont forget to thank Jen, because without this little chat with her that you had wouldnt have been able to see the things that make the real you. Yeah, i really like the real me.

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