Thursday, August 20, 2009

What is to come for my third year

So I am all done with half of my doctoral education and I am trying to gather all the things that I have learned and I feel a little worked up because I feel like I haven't learned a great deal.  It probably stems from the fact that I am somewhat of a perfectionist but who knows.  My summer break actually went really really well.  I had my first opp holding my nephews and niece and it was such an exposing experience.  I say exposing because I am now so exposed to the fact that I am completely not ready for children at this point in my life.  I see how happy my sisters are with their little ones but I also see how much energy it consumes and how limited a persons life becomes after kids.  Mike would be a great father, I have no doubt about that.  I guess that perhaps I am a little anxious about how I would be as a father. I didn't have what people would call a rough childhood but I did have an unusual one.  I felt like my childhood is woven with experiences of happiness and sorrow.  I understand that everyone has rough spots along their life journies but something made me grow up differently to the point where I wonder if I could be as good of a father as I would like to be.
Mike is still in spokane and I am here in florida by myself until friday.  We are moving in with our friends ben and jen and I am really excited about having more company.  I will say that there is the presence of curiosity to see how smoothly these next series of months will unfold.
O m I totally lost my first ring that mike gave to me while I was taking a shower.  I was so upset because that's the ring that he gave me at disneyworld during the fireworks show.  Its okay because my new ring was given to me in orange county under the disneyLAND fireworks :)  I really am so lucky to have met mike....he's made me grow emotionally as a person and without him I don't think I would be where I am at today in my life.  

I'm going to end this blog post with the optimism that the semester will go smoothly without too many hitches...I just have to stay on top of everything...and I will try my hardest to I swear.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Too much coffee

Tonight I decided to make some coffee. I used the coffee beans that my cousin gabe me from grenada and I used wayyyy too much. I drank the coffee quickly and now I feel like I'm going to die. What's worse is that I am at a movie theatres and mikes friends are here. To spare myself from yacking inside the theatres I am now sitting outside next to the bathroom just to keep it safe.  My heart was racing and I felt like I was going to pass out.  I don't think I have felt that scared for my life in a while.  My heart has thankfully slowed down but my stomach is still feeling very upset.  I think the thing that upset me the most was that after telling my fiance that I was feeling terrible he never really wanted me to go home. He asked if I wanted to tae the keys and drive home and then he went back to talking to his friends.  I don't know...if it was the other way around I wiuld have driven home for him.  Oh god...I think another trip to the bathroom is in order.

Monday, June 29, 2009

My observations re: the passing of MJ.

I have noticed over the couple of days some interesting yet unsuprising behavior of the society around me.  After the death of michael jackson, it seems as though everyone in the world is so remorseful of his death and giving him and his life an endless of "RIP you will be missed...".  Now I think that it is one thing if you say that and have been a true fan and admirer of MJ but half those people are people who have said MJ jokes or deplored him as some kind of freak or pedophile.  It dissapoints me that MJ could have such a large fan base suddenly turn on him and then all of a sudden admonish him again.  Do you people not realize the err  of your ways?  iyou know, MJ might have done things that were a little unusual...but think about the kind of broken childhood he must have had.  Think about what it must feel like for a child to be denied the basic wonders many children experience...all for fame and money.   Sure MJ was a bit off the wall but you can only blame the society itself for establishing such superfical and disgusting values.  MJ was a product of societys nature; the society that turned on him when he was most fragile and the same society that loves him after he dies.  I have a lot of respect for people that have never lost respect in the strides michael did in the music industry. For all the people who understood what MJ did for us and stood by him even in his most vulnerable times, I respect and admire you immensly.  For all those who turned your back and snickered and speculated only to (within one day) cry out to the world all the love and respect you had for this person....shame on you.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Getting serious about my life

I'm at the point in my professional career where I need to be serious about my life. No_ take that back...I'm at a point in my life where I WANT to be serious about my life. Huzzah the day has finally come.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Working out and endorphins

So I have started working out again and one thing that I have been noticing is that I seem to be happier and more of a "go-getter".  For example, today I woke up and ate a healthy breakfast and took bruiser to the dog park. In about half an hour I am going to work out soon and then go to work.  I've also been drinking a lot of water too which I'm sure my body has really enjoyed.  I'm so so so excited to start getting more into life, my career, my relationship etc... Updating on my blog is going to be a regular thing I think.  

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Looks like life is getting busy

So now that I have a job and I go to school I'm finding that my life is getting a lot more busy.  I think that having a busy schedule is good for me because at the end of the day I really don't like to just sit around.  ithe only struggle I see for myself is being able to manage my time effectively so that I an still manage to accomplish everything in school while making some cash.  

Monday, June 22, 2009

Nothing new or exciting to report today. I think I may be getting some kind of infection because I have this yucky taste in the back of my mouth and a lot of phelgm.  As I'm sure you all wanted to know that!  Tomorrow I have more training sessions at the nova rec plex and then I also have class.  I need to start on all my projects because I pretty much have one month left for the semester and I really want to do well. Today I was watching a house hunters episode where they go to seattle and I am just even more eager to make a big move!  Ok. Time to do more of nothing and drink lots of more fluids.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I love cleaning

Today I cleaned the kitchen, bathroom, living room, cat box, and bedroom.  It took me like three hours to do all that cleaning but I don't really mind because I LOVE cleaning.  I've noticed that living in a clean environment makes m feel happy and content with my life.  I like to use cleaning as an excuse to get out of studying and working on projects.  I hear from my sister that cleaing is something many gay men like to do (whether or not that stereotype is true is left to be debated upo).  I love cleaning so much that I usually like it when mike does not clean just so that I can clean the apartment the way I like to clean it.  I am more detailed and thorough than he is and its okay because I'm just OCD like that when it comes to cleaning.  I think I get the cleaning bug from my dad because he is also very neat and tidy.  I know for sure its not from my mom because she isn't neat or tidy at all!  Oh well, I suppose its a good addiction to have.  It keeps mike and I happy so I guess ill just go with it!  Until next time blog.

Going to try this instead

Ok I didn't really like the way the blog was updating via text  message so now I'm going to try and do it directly from my browser.  I think now that updating my blog is going to be a little more convienent and accessible.  I really can't wait to move to whereveri am going to be moving but at the same time I am a little anxious that I might not be prepared or as ready as I should be.  I guess time will tell how prepared I am when that moment gets there.
(3 of 3) some things and I've lost some friends but I'm a much wiser person today.
(2 of 3) I am now an engaged man!!! I've come a long way in my audiology career and I will be moving back to seattle around this time next year. I've learned
(1 of 3) So I know its been a while since I've posted on my blog. I'd like to say that a lot has changed but not too much has changed. Except for the fact that